PHP 7.1.12版正式发布 修复多项bug内容(改进日志)

开源中国   2017-11-23 18:03

  PHP 7.1.12 正式发布了。PHP(PHP:Hypertext Preprocessor)是一种在电脑上执行的脚本语言,主要是用途在于处理动态网页,也包含了命令列执行接口(command line interface),或者产生图形使用者接口(GUI)程式。

  该版本主要还是修复 bug,改进日志如下:

  23 Nov 2017, PHP 7.1.12

  - Core:

  . Fixed bug #75420 (Crash when modifing property name in __isset for

  BP_VAR_IS). (Laruence)

  . Fixed bug #75368 (mmap/munmap trashing on unlucky allocations). (Nikita,


  - CLI:

  . Fixed bug #75287 (Builtin webserver crash after chdir in a shutdown

  function). (Laruence)

  - Enchant:

  . Fixed bug #53070 (enchant_broker_get_path crashes if no path is set). (jelle

  van der Waa, cmb)

  . Fixed bug #75365 (Enchant still reports version 1.1.0). (cmb)

  - Exif:

  . Fixed bug #75301 (Exif extension has built in revision version). (Peter


  - GD:

  . Fixed bug #65148 (imagerotate may alter image dimensions). (cmb)

  . Fixed bug #75437 (Wrong reflection on imagewebp). (Fabien Villepinte)

  - intl:

  . Fixed bug #75317 (UConverter::setDestinationEncoding changes source instead

  of destination). (andrewnester)

  - interbase:

  . Fixed bug #75453 (Incorrect reflection for ibase_[p]connect). (villfa)

  - Mysqli:

  . Fixed bug #75434 (Wrong reflection for mysqli_fetch_all function). (Fabien


  - OCI8:

  . Fixed valgrind issue. (Tianfang Yang)

  - OpenSSL:

  . Fixed bug #75363 (openssl_x509_parse leaks memory). (Bob, Jakub Zelenka)

  . Fixed bug #75307 (Wrong reflection for openssl_open function). (villfa)

  - Opcache:

  . Fixed bug #75373 (Warning Internal error: wrong size calculation). (Laruence, Dmitry)

  - PGSQL:

  . Fixed bug #75419 (Default link incorrectly cleared/linked by pg_close()). (Sara)

  - SOAP:

  . Fixed bug #75464 (Wrong reflection on SoapClient::__setSoapHeaders). (villfa)

  - Zlib:

  . Fixed bug #75299 (Wrong reflection on inflate_init and inflate_add). (Fabien



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