中日韩三国合编历史教材 还原真相回击日本右翼

人民网   2017-09-14 10:24

­  为抵制歪曲美化日本军国主义历史的行径,由中日韩三国学者组成的“中日韩三国共同历史编纂委员会”正在编写一部新版历史教科书,并预计于2020年完成。据悉,学者们将结合各国教育实践编写课本内容,使得这些教科书能得到更广泛的应用。此前,该委员会已经出版了《东亚三国的近现代史》和《超越国境的东亚近现代史》两本书籍。

­  A joint editorial committee of scholars from China, Japan and the Republic of Korea is writing a new history textbook to resist efforts to white-wash Japan"s militaristic past.

­  为抵制歪曲美化日本军国主义历史的行径,由中日韩三国学者组成的联合编委会正在编写一部新版历史教科书。

­  The committee has published two books:?The Contemporary and Modern History of Three East Asian Countries?in 2005 and?A Modern History of East Asia Beyond The Boundaries?in 2012.

­  “中日韩三国共同历史编纂委员会”已经出版了两本书籍,分别是2005年的《东亚三国的近现代史》,以及2012年的《超越国境的东亚近现代史》。

­  Committee members attending a history seminar in Nanjing, east China"s Jiangsu province, told Xinhua Sunday that work on a third book has begun and is expected to be completed in 2020.

­  据新华社报道,该委员会成员10日在江苏省南京市的一场历史研讨会上表示,第三本书的编写工作已经启动,并预计于2020年完成。

­  Li Xizhu, a fellow of the Institute of Modern History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said scholars from the three countries have reached consensus on the focus of the book.

­  中国社会科学院近代史研究所研究员李细珠表示,中日韩三国学者已经对本书的主要内容达成一致。

­  "It is to address the differences in how we, the three countries, see history and to respond to the current debate on historical issues," Li said.

­  李细珠表示:“这是为了解决中日韩三国在如何看待历史上存在的分歧,并对当下有关历史问题的争论做出回应。”

­  Ueyama Yurika, a Japanese member, said the committee will create contents in line with education practice in each country"s context so that the textbooks can be used more widely.

­  来自日本的编委会成员上山尤莉香(音译)称,三国组成的编委会将结合各国教育实践编写内容,使得这些教科书能得到更广泛的应用。

­  Scholars agree that a correct perception of history is the foundation for reconciliation in East Asia.

­  学者们一致认为,正确的历史观是东亚和解的基础。

­  Japanese scholar Kasahara Tokushi said history textbooks in Japan contain fewer and increasingly more obscure contents on the 1937 Nanjing Massacre.

­  日本学者笠原十九司表示,日本的历史教科书中关于1937年南京大屠杀的描述较少,且内容越来越模糊。

­  Japanese troops captured Nanjing on Dec 13 of 1937 and started a slaughter lasting more than 40 days. About 300,000 civilians and Chinese soldiers who had laid down their arms were murdered. Over 20,000 women were raped.

­  1937年12月13日,日本军队占领南京,开始了持续40多天的大屠杀。大约有30万平民和投降的中国军人被杀害,2万多名女性被强奸。

­  Tokushi warned that if teachers can"t teach it, neither do media report on it, young Japanese might be harder to find out the truth.

­  笠原十九司提醒道,如果老师不教授这段历史,媒体也不对其进行报道,那么日本年轻人可能更加难以接触到真相。


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